Flower Project

Flower Project History

One of the many ways I like to spread the word, and bring joy to those who need it most is by creating beautiful mini bouquets of flowers and wrapping them with meaningful quotes from the Holy Bible. I feel it’s my way of spreading the Lord’s word, and showing them some of his magnificent handy work. I owned a flower shop about 8 years ago, when I lived in Florida. My love of flowers began at age 16 when my mother introduced this new curiosity to me with her own flower shop. Recently God moved me to create floral arrangements again, but this time for his kingdom glory. I remember one day I was going to make one big flower arrangement and I was going to give just one bouquet to someone, but then it did not work out. The flowers were not coming out how I wanted, so I left it in his hands. I asked God if he wanted me to do this for his kingdom to help guide me when making the arrangement, and bring me peace and joy in doing so.

My inspiration came back the next day, and I created 5 mini bouquets instead. I prayed over them, and put encouraging faith based stickers on them. I prayed that God would put me in the path of those who He specifically wanted to give these words of encouragement to, and I left. I ended up giving one to a woman I hold dearly that was moving away, a woman pumping gas, and three pastor women who were in a group together. A few weeks later God called me to make little arrangements again, and so began this fun, creative way to help God’s word reach the people He knows needs it the most. I have been able to do this in secrecy and left it in peoples front door, and car windshields, knowing that in the morning they would have a great surprise. I also have been able to share these with the elderly in their nursing home, and seen the joy it brought them knowing that someone thought of them. I have been able to share this experience with my kids and they too were able to see the joy it brings strangers, strangers who we may not know, but God sure does.

Flower Project Today

I now want to extend this joy of giving and helping others feel God's presence and His love, to you. I have seen people truly feel this genuine gift as a true gift from God, someone thought about them, and they feel that warmth and presence from God.

Flower Project Ask

My hopes are to find like minded individuals who are willing to sponsor these mini bouquets and be a source of pure joy to those who might otherwise go unnoticed. With your help we can continue this awesome random act of kindness and share this gift to many more, providing the gift of joy, love and encouragement. These mini bouquets will make someone's day, help them feel loved and remembered. Sometimes it’s just the littlest things that can be so meaningful and cause a huge effect in someone’s life.

How to Give

The suggestive donation per bouquet is $10, but we encourage you to give as much per bouquet as you'd like. Please let us know in the donation comment box how much you donated per bouquet and how many bouquets you'd like to sponsor, please scan the QR code and it will guide you to donate with the preferred form of payment (Apple Pay, Google Pay, Credit Card, PayPal, Venmo, etc.)

Help us Spread the Word!

My hopes are to find like minded individuals who are willing to sponsor these mini bouquets and be a source of pure joy to those who might otherwise go unnoticed. With your help we can continue this awesome random act of kindness and share this gift to many more, providing the gift of joy, love and encouragement. These mini bouquets will make someone's day, help them feel loved and remembered. Sometimes it’s just the littlest things that can be so meaningful and cause a huge effect in someone’s life.